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to talk to each other

  • 1 talk over each other

    Общая лексика: говорить наперебой

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > talk over each other

  • 2 each other


    We always try to help each other. — Мы всегда стараемя помогать друг другу.

    They talk to each other on the phone every evening. — Они звонят друг другу каждый вечер.

    dozens of suitcases were piled on top of each other Jane and Helen always sit next to each other at lectures. — На лекциях Джейн и Елена всегда сидят рядом (друг с другом).

    Русскому друг друга соответствуют английские each other и one another. One another относится более чем к двум предметам или лицам: there were about fifteen children, they sang and spoke to one another там было около пятнадцати детей, они пели и разговаривали друг с другом; a each other относится только к двум: the two boys looked at each other оба мальчика смотрели друг на друга
    (1.) Если подлежащее стоит в форме множественного числа, то местоимения one another и each othe не употребляются в предложениях с глаголами совместного действия. К таким глаголам относятся to meet, to kiss, to embrace, to agree, to argue в отличие от русских соответствий встречать друг друга, встречаться друг с другом, поцеловать друг друга, поцеловаться друг с другом, обнять друг друга, обняться друг с другом, соглашаться друг с другом: they never met again больше они никогда не встречали друг друга; why do they always argue? почему они всегда спорят друг с другом?; the brothers embraced before parting братья обнялись друг с другом/обняли друг друга перед расставанием. (2.) See agree, v

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > each other

  • 3 talk

    talk [tɔ:k]
    parler1 (a), 1 (c), 2 (a), 2 (b) discuter1 (a) s'entretenir1 (a) causer1 (b) conversation3 (a) discussion3 (a), 3 (d) causette3 (a) entretien3 (a) exposé3 (b) paroles3 (c) racontars3 (e) négociations4
    (a) (speak) parler; (discuss) discuter; (confer) s'entretenir;
    to talk to sb parler à qn;
    to talk with sb parler ou s'entretenir avec qn;
    to talk of or about sth parler de qch;
    we sat talking together nous sommes restés à discuter ou à bavarder;
    she didn't talk to me the whole evening elle ne m'a pas dit un mot de la soirée;
    to talk in signs/riddles parler par signes/par énigmes;
    they were talking in Chinese ils parlaient en chinois;
    I've been teaching my parakeet to talk j'ai appris à parler à mon perroquet;
    to talk for the sake of talking parler pour ne rien dire;
    that's no way to talk! en voilà des façons de parler!;
    they no longer talk to each other ils ne se parlent plus, ils ne s'adressent plus la parole;
    who do you think you're talking to? non, mais à qui croyez-vous parler?;
    don't you talk to me like that! je t'interdis de me parler sur ce ton!;
    to talk to oneself parler tout seul;
    he likes to hear himself talk il s'écoute parler;
    I'll talk to you about it tomorrow morning (converse) je vous en parlerai demain matin; (as threat) j'aurai deux mots à vous dire à ce sujet demain matin;
    it's no use talking to him, he never listens! on perd son temps avec lui, il n'écoute jamais!;
    to talk of this and that parler de la pluie et du beau temps ou de choses et d'autres;
    talking of Switzerland, have you ever been skiing? à propos de la Suisse, vous avez déjà fait du ski?;
    they talked of little else ils n'ont parlé que de cela;
    he's always talking big c'est un beau parleur;
    now you're talking! voilà, c'est beaucoup mieux!;
    you can talk!, look who's talking!, you're a fine one to talk! tu peux parler, toi!;
    it's easy for you to talk, you've never had a gun in your back! c'est facile à dire ou tu as beau jeu de dire ça, on ne t'a jamais braqué un pistolet dans le dos!;
    talk about luck! (admiring) qu'est-ce qu'il a comme chance!, quel veinard!; (complaining) tu parles d'une veine!
    talk about lucky! tu parles d'un coup de bol!;
    talk about a waste of time! tu parles d'une perte de temps!;
    to talk through familiar one's hat or the back of one's neck or one's backside or vulgar one's arse dire des bêtises ou n'importe quoi
    (b) (chat) causer, bavarder; (gossip) jaser;
    you know how people talk les gens sont tellement bavards
    to make sb talk faire parler qn;
    we have ways of making people talk on a les moyens de faire parler les gens;
    someone must have talked quelqu'un a dû parler
    (a) (language) parler;
    to talk slang parler argot;
    talk sense! ne dis pas de sottises!, ne dis pas n'importe quoi!;
    now you're talking sense vous dites enfin des choses sensées;
    to talk (some) sense into sb faire entendre raison à qn;
    stop talking rubbish or nonsense! arrête de dire des bêtises!;
    American familiar to talk the talk avoir la langue bien pendue;
    esp American familiar he can talk the talk but can he walk the walk? est-ce qu'il est aussi doué pour agir que pour parler?
    (b) (discuss) parler;
    to talk business/politics parler affaires/politique
    3 noun
    (a) (conversation) conversation f; (discussion) discussion f; (chat) causette f, causerie f; (formal) entretien m;
    to have a talk with sb about sth parler de qch avec qn, s'entretenir avec qn de qch;
    I'll have a talk with him about it je lui en parlerai;
    we had a long talk nous avons eu une longue discussion;
    can we have a little talk? je peux vous parler deux minutes?;
    that's fighting talk! c'est un défi!
    (b) (speech, lecture) exposé m;
    to give a talk on or about sth faire un exposé sur qch;
    there was a series of radio talks on modern Japan il y a eu à la radio une série d'émissions où des gens venaient parler du Japon moderne
    (c) (UNCOUNT) (noise of talking) paroles fpl, propos mpl;
    there is a lot of talk in the background il y a beaucoup de bruit ou de gens qui parlent
    (d) (speculative) discussion f, rumeur f;
    most of the talk was about the new road il a surtout été question de ou on a surtout parlé de la nouvelle route;
    there's some talk of building a concert hall (discussion) il est question ou on parle de construire une salle de concert; (rumour) le bruit court qu'on va construire une salle de concert;
    there has been talk of it on en a parlé, il en a été question;
    enough of this idle talk! assez parlé!;
    he's all talk tout ce qu'il dit, c'est du vent
    (e) (UNCOUNT) (gossip) racontars mpl, bavardages mpl;
    it's only talk ce sont des racontars, tout ça;
    their behaviour is causing a lot of talk leur conduite fait jaser;
    it's/she's the talk of the town on ne parle que de ça/que d'elle;
    the wedding was the talk of the town on ne parlait que du mariage
    (negotiations) négociations fpl, pourparlers mpl; (conference) conférence f;
    official peace talks des pourparlers mpl officiels sur la paix;
    so far there have only been talks about talks jusqu'ici il n'y a eu que des négociations préliminaires
    ►► talk show causerie f (radiodiffusée/télévisée), talk-show m
    (a) (discuss) parler de;
    to talk to sb about sth parler de qch à qn;
    there's an important matter I must talk to you about j'ai à vous parler ou entretenir d'une affaire importante;
    the new model has been much talked about on a beaucoup parlé du nouveau modèle;
    it gives them something to talk about ça leur fait un sujet de conversation;
    this will give them something to talk about (gossip about) voilà quelque chose qui va les faire jaser;
    to get oneself talked about faire parler de soi;
    they were talking about going away for the weekend ils parlaient ou envisageaient de partir pour le week-end
    we're not talking about that! il ne s'agit pas de cela!;
    when it comes to hardship, he knows what he's talking about pour ce qui est de souffrir, il sait de quoi il parle;
    when it comes to cars, he knows what he's talking about pour ce qui est des voitures, il connaît son affaire;
    what are you talking about? (I don't understand) de quoi parles-tu?; (annoyed) qu'est-ce que tu racontes?;
    you don't know what you're talking about! tu ne sais pas ce que tu dis!;
    I don't know what you're talking about (in answer to accusation) je ne sais pas ce que vous voulez dire;
    it's not as if we're talking about spending millions qui parle de dépenser des millions?;
    how much are we talking about? il faut compter combien?, ça va chercher dans les combien?;
    but I'm talking about a matter of principle! pour moi, c'est une question de principe!
    I hate people who talk at me not to me je ne supporte pas les gens qui parlent sans se soucier de ce que j'ai à dire
    passer le temps à parler, parler sans arrêt;
    they were still talking away at 3 a.m. ils étaient encore en grande conversation à 3 heures du matin
    to talk the night away passer la nuit à parler
    (insolently) répondre;
    to talk back to sb répondre (insolemment) à qn;
    don't you talk back to me! ne me réponds pas (comme ça)!
    to talk sb down réduire qn au silence (en parlant plus fort que lui/elle/ etc)
    (b) (aircraft) faire atterrir par radio-contrôle
    the police managed to talk him down from the roof la police a réussi à le convaincre de redescendre du toit
    to talk down to sb parler à qn comme à un enfant
    to talk sb into doing sth persuader qn de faire qch;
    she allowed herself to be talked into going elle s'est laissé convaincre d'y aller;
    to talk oneself into a job (by trying to impress) obtenir un emploi grâce à son baratin;
    you've just talked yourself into a job (by saying that) ce que vous avez dit là m'a convaincu et vous avez le poste
    (a) (problem, disagreement) débattre de, discuter de;
    they managed to talk out the problem à force de discussions, ils sont arrivés à trouver une solution au problème
    to talk out a bill = prolonger la discussion d'un projet de loi jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard pour le voter avant la clôture de la séance
    to talk sb out of doing sth dissuader qn de faire qch;
    try to talk him out of it essayez de l'en dissuader;
    to talk oneself out of trouble se tirer d'affaire grâce à son baratin;
    talk yourself out of that one! vas-y, essaie de t'en sortir cette fois-ci!
    discuter ou débattre de;
    let's talk it over discutons-en, parlons-en;
    we'll have to talk the problem over il va falloir que l'on parle de ce problème;
    to talk things over discuter
    (convince) persuader, convaincre;
    to talk sb round to one's way of thinking amener qn à sa façon de penser ou à son point de vue;
    I'm sure she can be talked round je suis sûr qu'on peut la convaincre
    (problem) tourner autour de;
    I'm tired of just talking round the subject j'en ai assez de tourner autour de la question
    vanter les mérites de, faire de la publicité pour;
    to talk up sb's chances surestimer les chances de qn;
    the Chancellor is trying to talk up the economy le Chancelier s'est montré optimiste pour tenter de redynamiser l'économie

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > talk

  • 4 talk show

    talk show, sohbet programı
    * * *
    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) sohbetli gösterim, sohbet programı

    English-Turkish dictionary > talk show

  • 5 talk

    [English Word] a serious talk
    [Swahili Word] lumba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Swahili Example] (= simulia, hadithia, hoji)
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] be much talked about
    [Swahili Word] -vumika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] intransitive
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -vuma
    [English Word] be talked into something
    [Swahili Word] -nyenyeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be the talk of the town
    [Swahili Word] -vuma
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Related Words] vumi, vumilivu, kivumi, mvumi, mvumo, uvumi, uvumilivu
    [English Word] cause to be talked about
    [Swahili Word] -vumisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -vuma
    [English Word] foolish talk
    [Swahili Word] payo
    [Swahili Plural] mapayo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] paya V
    [English Word] foolish talk (causing amusement or provoking ridicule)
    [Swahili Word] majinuni
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] foolish talk (causing amusement or provoking ridicule)
    [Swahili Word] majununi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] force someone to talk
    [Swahili Word] -nyenga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] get someone to talk
    [Swahili Word] -payusha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] idle talk
    [Swahili Word] mnong'ono
    [Swahili Plural] minong'ono
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] nong'ona
    [English Word] make one talk in one's sleep
    [Swahili Word] -wewesesha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] silly talk (causing amusement)
    [Swahili Word] majununi
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] talk
    [Swahili Word] -nena
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] talk clearly, don't talk through your nose
    [Swahili Example] nena vizuri, usiseme puani
    [English Word] talk
    [Swahili Word] -ongea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] transitive
    [English Example] Yohana and Mwai were speaking together
    [Swahili Example] Yohana na Mwai walipokuwa wakiongea pamoja [Ng]
    [English Word] talk
    [Swahili Word] -sema
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] talk with mother
    [Swahili Example] sema na mama
    [English Word] talk
    [Swahili Word] -amba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] intransitive
    [Related Words] jigamba, mgambo
    [English Word] talk (about something)
    [Swahili Word] -ongelea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] ongea V
    [English Word] talk behind someone's back
    [Swahili Word] -teta
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk behind someone's back
    [Swahili Word] -amba mtu
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] transitive
    [Related Words] kigambo, mtu, mwambaji
    [English Example] they talked about their comrade behind her back when she left with her mother
    [Swahili Example] walimwamba ndugu yao wakati aliondoka na mamake
    [English Word] talk big
    [Swahili Word] -fedhulika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk big
    [Swahili Word] -fezulika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk confusedly
    [Swahili Word] -bwabwaja
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] intransitive
    [Note] id.
    [English Word] talk confusedly
    [Swahili Word] -bwata
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Note] id.
    [English Word] talk confusedly
    [Swahili Word] -dapa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk deliriously
    [Swahili Word] -babaika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk deliriously
    [Swahili Word] -babayika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk deliriously
    [Swahili Word] -ewedeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk evasively
    [Swahili Word] -dapa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk evasively
    [Swahili Word] -diradira
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk foolishly
    [Swahili Word] -ota
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk foolishly
    [Swahili Word] -paya
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk foolishly
    [Swahili Word] -payuka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk idly
    [Swahili Word] -piga domo
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] waliendelea kupiga domo kwa muda mrefu [Ya]
    [English Word] talk in one's sleep
    [Swahili Word] -wewedeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk in one's sleep
    [Swahili Word] -weweseka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk indiscreetly
    [Swahili Word] -boboka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk nonsense
    [Swahili Word] lopoka
    [Part of Speech] adverb
    [English Word] talk nonsense
    [Swahili Word] -ropoka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] stop talking nonsense
    [Swahili Example] Waacha kuropoka
    [English Word] talk oneself out of something
    [Swahili Word] -shariti
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk over
    [Swahili Word] -kubalisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kubali
    [English Word] talk someone into something
    [Swahili Word] -nyenya
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk someone into something
    [Swahili Word] -pembeja
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk someone into something
    [Swahili Word] -shawishi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] Ali talked his/her friend into buying a car
    [Swahili Example] Ali alimshawishi rafiki yake kununua motokaa
    [English Word] talk someone into something.
    [Swahili Word] -shaushi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] Elizabeth talked the woman into not wearing those shoes
    [Swahili Example] Elizabeth alimshaushi mama asivae viatu vile
    [English Word] talk to each other
    [Swahili Word] -ambizana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] ambia V
    [Swahili Example] kina bibi wakainamiana na kuambizana [Sul]
    [English Word] talk to each other
    [Swahili Word] -ongeana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk to each other
    [Swahili Word] -semezana
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk uselessly
    [Swahili Word] -piga mdomo
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] talk very fast (and unintelligibly)
    [Swahili Word] -kimbiliza maneno
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] appl-caus
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kimbia
    [Related Words] maneno

    English-Swahili dictionary > talk

  • 6 talk

    [tɔːk] 1. гл.
    а) говорить, разговаривать, вести беседу

    to talk bluntly / candidly / frankly / freely / fluently — говорить открыто, свободно, искренне, бегло

    to talk loud(ly) / talk openly — во весь голос, открыто, громогласно заявлять о чём-л.

    to need smb. to talk to — иметь потребность в собеседнике

    to talk on a topic / subject — говорить, вести беседу на какую-л. тему

    to talk of one thing and another, to talk of this and that — говорить, толковать о том о сём

    to talk sense / business / амер. shop — говорить дело

    She has found somebody to talk to. — Она нашла, с кем поговорить.

    They were talking about the elections. — Они разговаривали о выборах.

    She was talking of her trip. — Она рассказывала о своём путешествии.

    I will talk to them about this problem. — Я обсужу с ними этот вопрос.

    It is talked of placing me into asylum. — Речь идет о том, чтобы упечь меня в психушку.

    She surely got herself talked about. — Она, разумеется, заставила всех говорить о себе.

    I didn't / couldn't care to talk. — Мне не хотелось разговаривать.

    б) вести переговоры, совместно и официально обсуждать (что-л.)

    The both parts were talking about the crisis of overproduction. — Обе стороны говорили о кризисе перепроизводства.


    The lecturer talked on youth drug problems. — Лектор говорил о проблеме молодёжи и наркотиков.


    Ships usually talk to each other by wireless. — Корабли обычно переговариваются друг с другом по радио.

    The ships were talking on the river. — На реке были слышны корабли.

    converse I 2.
    а) говорить на (каком-л. языке, диалекте)
    б) говорить (издавать какие-л. звуки)

    to talk in one's sleep — бормотать, говорить во сне

    The water bubbles talked so noisily. — Пузыри на воде громко лопались.

    Dolphins were talking their own dolphin talk. — Дельфины говорили на своём дельфиньем языке.

    We could certainly hear the birds talking throughout the forest. — Мы, конечно же, слышали голоса птиц, которые разносились по всему лесу.

    а) болтать, трепать языком; пустословить

    to talk big / large / tall / horse — хвастать, важничать

    to talk by the hour — тараторить, трещать; болтать без умолку, чесать языком

    to talk small — вести пустой разговор, салонную беседу

    to talk nonsense — говорить чепуху, полную ерунду

    prate 2.
    б) = talk about сплетничать, судачить, злословить, распространять слухи

    to talk behind smb.'s back — говорить за спиной у кого-л., за глаза; злословить на чей-л. счёт

    to talk scandal / treason — распускать слухи, сплетничать / вести преступные разговоры

    Let them talk. — Пусть себе болтают.

    My wife's cheating on me gave people something to talk about. — Измены моей женушки дали пищу для толков и пересудов.

    People were beginning to talk about new head officer's perversions and addictions. — Уже пошли толки об извращениях и пристрастиях нового директора.

    Everybody is sure to talk now. — Да, теперь-то везде пойдут слухи.

    gossip 2.
    4) разг. признаваться, расколоться, заговорить ( о допрашиваемом)

    Do you think the prisoners will talk? — Ты думаешь, заключённый расколется?

    5) выговориться; наговориться, договориться (до какого-л. состояния)

    to talk oneself sick / hoarse — договориться до болезненного состояния / хрипоты

    It seemed you talked yourself into trouble - getting this bullet right into your stomach. — Похоже, что ты, наконец, дотрепался и получил пулю в живот.

    6) (talk about / off) начать поговаривать о (чём-л.), (начать) размышлять о (чём-л.), подумывать о (чём-л.)

    Are you still talking about moving to another city, or have you made up your minds? — Вы все ещё подумываете о том, чтобы переехать в другой город или вы уже окончательно решились?

    7) ( talk into) уговорить (кого-л.) сделать (что-л.)

    I don't think Father is willing to lend us the car tomorrow, but I'll see if I can talk him into it. — Не думаю, что отец горит желанием дать нам машину на завтра, но я попробую уговорить его.

    - talk around
    - talk round
    - talk away
    - talk back
    - talk big
    - talk down
    - talk out
    - talk over
    - talk profusely
    - talk scandal
    - talk smut
    - talk through
    - talk to the point
    - talk up

    to talk Greek / Hebrew / Double-Dutch / gibberish — говорить по-турецки, на тарабарщине, на непонятном языке

    to talk smb.'s head off — заговорить кого-л. до потери сознания, замучать разговорами

    to talk a good game, to talk a great ball game — амер. красиво говорить, мягко стелить

    to talk oneself black in the face — говорить до посинения, позеленения

    to talk one's head / one's arm, a donkey's hind leg, arse / off — наговориться вволю, всласть

    to talk through one's hat / through (the back of) one's neck — говорить или нести вздор, пороть чепуху

    to talk bullshit / crap / nuts — разг. нести ахинею, пороть чушь

    to talk big / large / tall — разг. хвастать, бахвалиться

    talk of the devil (and he will come / and he is sure to appear) — лёгок на помине

    Look who's talking. — Чья бы корова мычала.

    You can't talk. — разг. Не тебе говорить, ты бы лучше помалкивал

    That was beer talking. — Это я под хмельком от пива сболтнул лишнего. ( реплика извинения за высказанную грубость или резкость)

    - talk against time
    - talk cold turkey
    - talk turkey
    2. сущ.
    а) разговор; диалог; беседа

    heart-to-heart / loose / pep talk — разговор по душам / свободная, раскованная / живая беседа

    blunt / plain / straight talk — прямой разговор, разговор без обиняков

    to lead an idle / intimate / disjointed / small / double talk — вести пустой / интимный / бессвязный / пустячный / двусмысленный разговор

    to engage smb. in talk, make a talk, fall into a talk — завязать беседу, начинать разговор, разговориться

    The talk turned to sports. — Разговор перешёл на спортивную тему.

    I think it's time we had a talk. — Я думаю, нам пора поговорить.

    She had a long talk with him about his work. — Она долго говорила с ним о его работе.

    We fell into a plain talk. — Мы с ней поговорили начистоту.

    It seemed they met for a good talk. — Казалось, они встретились, чтобы всласть потрепаться.

    - tall talk
    - sweet talk
    - walk the talk
    б) ( talks) переговоры; обсуждение

    high-level / top-level / summit talks — переговоры на высшем уровне

    to conduct / hold talk — вести переговоры

    to break off talk — срывать переговоры, внезапно прекращать переговоры

    talks about talksпредварительное обсуждение (предмета переговоров и т. п.)


    I was given this usual talk on bringing up children subject. — Мне прочитали обычную в таких случаях лекцию по вопросам воспитания детей.

    а) пустой разговор, пустословие; болтовня, трёп

    It will end in talk. — Дальше разговоров дело не пойдёт.

    It's just / mere talk. — Это так, трёп один.

    Don't give me that never-smoke-again crap talk and all. — Хватит тут заливать мне про то, что больше не будешь курить и прочее.

    Enough of these ill grandma talks. — Хватит уже историй про больную бабушку.

    We need no talk here, show us what you can do. — Мы сюда не трепаться пришли - покажи, на что ты способен.

    idle talk — пустословие, болтовня

    б) вода, переливание из пустого в порожнее ( о бессодержательном или небрежно написанном тексте)
    а) молва; толки, слухи; россказни

    There is talk of her resigning. — Поговаривают о том, что она уходит в отставку.

    He was a man of principle and risked talk. — Он был человеком принципа и не боялся сплетен.

    б) предмет разговоров, толков, сплетен

    She was the talk of the whole town. — О ней судачил весь город.

    His receiving Nobel Prize will make talk. — Теперь, когда он получил Нобелевскую премию, о нём будут много говорить.

    5) разг. диалект, жаргон; язык, речь

    thieves' talk — воровской, блатной язык

    Stop that baby talk!разг. Перестань сюсюкать! Говори серьёзно!


    all talk and no ciderамер. много шуму, мало толку

    that's the talk! — вот это дело!, вот это я понимаю!

    talk(ing) shopразг. говорильня (о правительстве, парламенте, особенно о Палате общин)

    talk-masterамер.; разг. ведущий теле- или радио- ток-шоу

    Англо-русский современный словарь > talk

  • 7 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talkshow
    * * *
    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talkshow

    English-Danish dictionary > talk show

  • 8 talk show

    Talk-Show, die
    * * *
    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.)
    * * *
    n TV Talkshow f
    * * *
    talk show s TV Talkshow f
    * * *
    Talk-Show, die
    * * *
    Talk --
    Show f.

    English-german dictionary > talk show

  • 9 talk show

    nome telev. talk show m.
    * * *
    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talk show
    * * *
    n Am
    TV, Radio talk show m inv
    * * *
    nome telev. talk show m.

    English-Italian dictionary > talk show

  • 10 talk show

    * * *
    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talk show

    English-Polish dictionary > talk show

  • 11 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) programa de entrevistas
    programa nombre masculino de entrevistas
    noun programa m de entrevistas
    * * *
    noun programa m de entrevistas

    English-spanish dictionary > talk show

  • 12 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talk-show

    English-Slovenian dictionary > talk show

  • 13 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talk-show

    English-French dictionary > talk show

  • 14 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) talk show

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > talk show

  • 15 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) snakkeshow
    subst. \/ˈtɔːkʃəʊ\/
    (radio, TV) talkshow, prateprogram (med kjendiser)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > talk show

  • 16 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > talk show

  • 17 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) beszélgetős műsor

    English-Hungarian dictionary > talk show

  • 18 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > talk show

  • 19 talk show

    • puheohjelma
    * * *
    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > talk show

  • 20 talk show

    noun ((American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.) studijas intervija publikas klātbūtnē
    * * *
    televīzijas vai radio intervija ar ievērojamu cilvēku

    English-Latvian dictionary > talk show

См. также в других словарях:

  • each other — pronoun ** 1. ) used for saying that each person or thing does something to the other or others: The women looked around at each other and smiled. They talk to each other on the phone every night. 2. ) used for saying that each person or thing is …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • each other — each oth′er pron. use each the other; one another (used as a compound reciprocal pronoun): to love each other; to hold each other s hands; to talk to each other[/ex] • Etymology: bef. 1000 usage: Usage guides advise that each other be used only… …   From formal English to slang

  • each other */*/ — UK / US pronoun Usage note: You can use one another with the same meaning as each other. Get it right: each other: Each other is written as two separate words, not as one word: Wrong: We must be able to communicate and understand eachother. Right …   English dictionary

  • talk show — talk shows also talk show N COUNT A talk show is a television or radio show in which famous people talk to each other in an informal way and are asked questions about different topics. Syn: chat show …   English dictionary

  • talk — [[t]tɔ͟ːk[/t]] ♦ talks, talking, talked 1) VERB When you talk, you use spoken language to express your thoughts, ideas, or feelings. He was too distressed to talk... A teacher reprimanded a girl for talking in class... The boys all began to talk… …   English dictionary

  • talk — 1 verb 1 CONVERSATION (I) to say things to someone, especially in a conversation: talk to: Who was that you were talking to at the party? | talk with: Bob was talking with a pretty woman from the fire department. | talk about/of: We were talking… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • talk — talk1 W1S1 [to:k US to:k] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(conversation)¦ 2¦(serious subject)¦ 3¦(say words)¦ 4¦(a speech)¦ 5¦(secret information)¦ 6 talk sense/rubbish/nonsense etc 7 talk (some) sense into somebody 8 talk to yourself 9 know what you are talking… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • talk show — noun (C) AmE a radio or television show on which famous people talk to each other and are asked questions; chat show BrE …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Talk (software) — talk was a program originally used for live text communication between different users of a single multi user computer running the Unix operating system. talk eventually accommodated digital conversations between users on different machines as… …   Wikipedia

  • talk (software) — talk was a program originally used for live text communication between different users of a single multi user computer running the Unix operating system. In 1983, a new version of talk was introduced as a Unix command with BSD v4.2, and would… …   Wikipedia

  • Talk It Over — is a call in style advice talk show featuring Diane Dimond, Lee Jay Berman and Louise Palanker [ [http://www.talkitoverradio.com/blog/ WebPages/AboutTalkItOver.html Talk It Over with Diane, Lee Jay and Weezy. Why?] ] . Each episode begins by… …   Wikipedia

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